For the optimal long-term health and well-being of your cat, food and nutrition are essential considerations.

We highly recommend “Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition” at  Written by Lisa A. Pierson, DVM.

Cats do not have a strong thirst drive.  They are genetically structured to obtain the majority of their moisture intake through their food.  This becomes problematic when a cat is fed dry kibble.  Even cats who seem thirsty cannot drink enough water to compensate for the low moisture content in dry food.

We highly recommend this explanation by Lisa A. Pierson, DVM.

There are many different vaccinations that are available for cats.  NOT all of them are necessary for your cat in your living environment.  Vaccines are not benign; they can be harmful and possibly even fatal.  Please carefully consider whether vaccinations are necessary.  Excellent information can be found here.


Plants add the finishing touches to any décor.  BUT, if you have a feline, that beautiful plant could become a deadly enemy.  Note that LILIES in particular are deadly to cats.  While in some cases, just parts of a plant (bark, leaves, berries, roots, tubers, sprouts, green shells) might be poisonous, it is better to be safe than lose your furry family member.  Please always check if a plant may be harmful to your cat and, if you must have any of them, keep them safely out of reach.

Should your feline friend eat part of a poisonous plant, rush the cat to your veterinarian as soon as possible.  If you can, take the plant with so your veterinary can identify it and treat appropriately.  Time is of the essence so if your veterinarian is closed, find the nearest emergency clinic.

The ASPCA has compiled a detailed resource of toxic plants for many animals.  This link is to the cat-specific list, but if you have dogs or horses make sure to check those lists, too!

Emergencies are by their nature not part of our daily routine, yet it is very important to know what first aid actions to take in such a circumstance.  First aid does not take the place of veterinary care, but it may save your pet’s life until you can reach the vet.  And if after hours, make sure you know where your nearest emergency vet is.



FIV+ cats might be considered by some to be “special needs” cats because, while they are healthy and live quite normal lives, they have tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).  FIV+ cats have long lived under a cloud of confusion and misunderstanding.  Now, fortunately, that is much less the case as the medical community has become more and more aware of what the presence of FIV really means.  This virus was only noticed and given a name within the last few decades (1986), so there has been much to learn about it.  For many years after discovery, cats that tested positive were either euthanized or sequestered; separated from other cats.  Not a good outcome or a happy life.  We now know that FIV is basically a virus whose presence has the potential to cause some weakening of a cats’ immune system.  It does not seem to have much impact on lifespan, as FIV+ cats can and do live quite normal lives – in quality – in duration – and in happiness.  We now know that this is a cat-only virus and cannot be passed to humans or to other species of animals.  We have also learned that FIV does not pass to other cats through casual friendly contact.  Experience, studies and the medical research community have, for numerous years now, watched positive cats live peacefully together with non-positive cats without transference.  It takes a seriously deep bite wound or blood transfusion from an FIV+ cat to infect another so a typical household where cats live in harmony can blend FIV+ and FIV- cats without worry.

It is more difficult for FIV+ cats to find their forever homes though, because of the previous stigmas associated with the presence of FIV.  The pet stores we participate with limit FIV+ cats from their adoption locations.  The special cats you see here are being well cared for in loving foster homes, but that is just temporary; these great cats deserve a wonderful forever home.  They have so very much to give.  Please consider opening your home and hearts to one or more of these beloved cats.  You will be richly rewarded.

For further information, a good article about FIV from The Best Friends Animal Sanctuary can be found here.  A good website devoted solely to information about FIV is